FPP Harlem in the Huffington Post

Glenn Ligon, Give Us A Poem (Palindrome #2), 2007

Check out what FPP Harlem co-founder Stacy Parker LeMelle’s has to say about us in the Huffington Post:

“Me. We.” There it is in the Studio Museum atrium, the Muhammad Ali poem on demand as conceived by Glenn Ligon, his Me on top of We. This is Glenn Ligon, so this is also a light show. First, the Me is lit. Then the We. Then the Me. The We. Tick tock, back forth. The extinguishing of one while the other shines brightly. The moment when neither is lit at all.

Read the rest of her piece here.

Here “We” Come!

The First Person Plural Reading Series is making progress on getting the word out about our first event thanks to Natalie Molina and her wonderful designs for our posters and logo!  Posters and postcards are being printed, and we are getting ready to post around the neighborhood and points downtown.

We are also creating a Facebook page and a few other ways for you to stay up-to-date with all that is going on with First Person Plural.

Look for us on a bulletin board near you!